Friday, 28 November 2008

Day 13

MIKKKEEEEEEYYYYY came over :D My parents agreed to letting me join the army, even though there a bit upset, they think ill fuck it up or ill die.

KISSING Is the best thing in the world.

ARGH So everyday at about 5.30pm Chris, Mikeys brother calls me, when he called i hollered down the phone


Only then to receive the text:
Hi its Terry.

Terry is Mikeys mum, i was going AWOL i honestly thought i yelled down the phone at Mikeys mum that i was fucking her son.

I was crapping myself about it for a while then called back to find out i was just chris being a bell end.

BTW i dont live in a tent, i was on a camping trip in the summer and thorght i'd upload some of the pics, mikey said not to put any of him up, so they'll be ranomd or soemthing:D

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Day 11.3 - The Letter

My House
My Street, Town

Dear Mum, Dad, Danny and Patrick.

I want to drop out of college. I want to start a military career and i will start on the Army Development Course at ATR (Army Training Regiment) in Bassingbourn in Hertfordshire. Its a 20-week basic training course where i'll learn military skills such as foot drills and how to handle and fire a weapon, also how to live and work in the open and how to tackle an assault course, as well as developing my stamina and fitness. I will be stretched further than I and you thought possible and toughen me up both physically and mentally. Then when i have successfully mastered these basic military skills, I will take my place in the Passing Out parade in front of an invited audience of You my parents, relatives and friends before moving on to a specialist trade training.

Love n stuff
Zoe x


Day 11.2

Careers. Jobs. Whatever.

So originaly i wanted to be an animator.

When i was 10 i decided i wanted to do something for my country, I was going to work for SIS or the TA. For some dense reason i chose to study media at CRC. Media has nothing in the fields of my ideal career.

If i join the army, i want to be either a GUNNER SPECIAL OBSERVER. and if i got into SIS i wanted to be a Operational Officer. And if neither of them is achievable im going to be a Games Cinematics designer, and Failing that ill be a WoW GM.


Day 11

Stuck in reality.

Im ill, and it sucks. i hate reality, it sucks.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Day 10

Sorry about my lame blog yesterday, i was at college so i couldnt make a big blog.

My mums ill so today ive done nothing, it sucks, i got up wanted to play WoW and well it sucks.
Ive got a karate grading coming up, and im practicing loads for it, its not easy.

I mean this week ive been so bored, i watched about 40 movies and i started watching TV again...
Its hit me in the last few days that actually, i have a limited bond with my family, everyone i know gets on pretty well with there family openly discussing most things, and its so different in our house, its just me that everything flops around.

Also im realy worried about my Mail, i know i have Mail from the AH and i need to get it before my stuff i sold has gone to waste, its one of these things, I can go on WoW on the 5th of December for a maximum of four hours.

A desision after this 3 weeks is up, is that on mondays wednesdays and fridays my WoW time is between 3-4 hours of play time MAX and on tuesdays and thursdays when im here alone i get 5-6 hours MAX and weekends havnt yet been desided.

Im realy excited that i can play again soon :) i have 240 hours (10 days) left and Im just waiting to play again :D

Monday, 24 November 2008

Day 9

Private accounts suck

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Day 8.9

Ok i forgot day 7


I had such a sore throat and i felt ill, i spent most of the day watching lord of the rings hence why i didnt blog

Ok... back to day 8.9

Situation is lame i just miss WoW in general, i dont even feel like i wanna play every sec, but i want to play but for fun not because i have to.

Its been a week and i wish i could play again but ive just gotta stick out the last two weeks.

Im watching Survivors on BBC its good. so ill wrap this blog up here.

x thanky x

Friday, 21 November 2008


Quiz night tonight :D im actually going to do it like last time, Mikey isnt round this friday so i feel pretty lonley but im going to be hanging out with Sophie at the quiz night tonight, Its going to be cool and i wont get home until late, so this might be my last blog of today.

I feel pretty down at the moment theres just something bugging me.

I hate that Holly woman on CBBC shes shite, aswell as that fucking brain on a stick or what ever, its not remotly interesting i dont see how my brother watches this channel 24-7.

IVE JUST CHECKED MY LAPTOP RAM MEMORY!!! and i have bugger all :)

day 6.6

A Complete History of My Sexual Failures (2008)

is amazing.

You should all watch it :D

I feel so sorry for this guy, i just wanna give him a hug.

When this finnishes all i want to do is play WoW :/
its so lame, i tried to download WAR :) but it didnt work and im so bored.
I just want to play WoW :/

Day 6.4

World of Warcraft - Chronicle of the Annoying Quest

Watching it after i found it on QSS.

Chronicle of the Annoying Quest is a comedic World of Warcraft fan movie created by Baka Savant Productions. It is an episodic machinima that follows a few different Alliance characters in their attempt to complete a long-winded quest.

Chronicle of the Annoying Quest follows Guy, Ellers, Flayme, Kit, Hana, Deuce and Rora on their quest through Azeroth. In each episode, the characters get into mishaps, scrapes and issues that continue to deny them the prize of finishing the quest. As the episodes continued the cast met the villains of the season and began to take on a side plot, fighting off the villains.

Its weird and quite boring, tbh and ive only watched 10 mins...

*changes video*

lol :) x i dont feel like i want to play right now, even if im bored shitless x

A Complete History of My Sexual Failures (2008)

IS SO funny :D

well i liked it :)
im gonna watch that cya x

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Day 5.6

Been ill today, but ive been chilling out ive only sat on my laptop for 30mins now :) i watched wife swap today a documentary on polar bears and that was about it oh and some thing to teach sign language i can say look at the baby kitten in sign :D i no im amazing. I also learnt what Kid was, Baby Animals and A cat and sheep and a lamb... :D

i felt realy ill after about 2 so i crashed out and went to sleep, which ive just woken up from.

I was talking to my mates and my parents about warhammer. My plan was to stop playing WoW so much and get into painting Warhammer figurines, it uses slightly more brain power than hitting a couple of keys "R82027777722111111222193!128YKKW28773" kinda thing :p

Painting is always something i like to do, if not is to make sceneary for warhammer and stuff :)
its just something i'd like to do.

The reason i got playing WoW so much was because i was bored and had nothing better to do getting myself into it even more...

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Day 4,8

Ok, just got back from my Uncles house, my grandmas house and so on and forth it was a family night out.

I wasnt to bothered about WoW but at lunch i spent it talking to one of my friends and hes finding things hard to get to grips with, mainly growing up.

He was saying how watching this show as a kid made him feel safe and like he always had a friend.

When i was little my mum used to read me books about Elves and Fairy's and naughty goblins. When we went out places like woods and rivers i would always say about the fairys in the grass and under the mushrooms and the elves in the trees.
Because i was happy and i enjoyed things a whole lot more when i was like this age, i feel safe and secure with anything to do with elves or fairys.

So when im playing WoW i feel safe, happy and a general sence of well-being.

thanks for reading x

Day 4

Ok im at college, it sucks im so out of it, well in it, and reality is really hitting hard. People dont get how confusing this is, i mean, i usually, i dont know...

Point is its near impossible to keep focused and im just floating about in my head, not realy knowing what to do.

I just feel pretty alone im in the corner or the room and no one is talking to me, its pretty lame to be honest but hey. People just done get this?

Also im finding indian music increasingly irritating...

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Day 3.7


My brother is sitting less than a meter away from me ive squashed myself into the edge of the sofa as much as i can. I cant go shut myself away in my room because ill have nothing to do. This is so stressful, you may not think socializing with your family is hard, but it really is. I hate not having enough personal space there are only about 3 people i trust really. I dont trust anyone now, i know it sucks, i mean i like people and im friends with them but i dont trust them. My brothers got this new girlfriend and im convinced shes just here to get through my brother and find out about me!
As someone put it "you think people are out to get you" i dont think, i know people are.

I mean some people can just make instant bonds and gel with who ever for years and not have any problems but i just dont seem to be able to do this latley, i mean ive started to gel in with people at college but im always convinced theres going to be someone whos not 100% and is going to do something.

This is just so lame and its not even been 4 days im finding it so impossibly hard but im determined. And even if i wanted to go on WoW my boyfriends changed all my account deatails and put 24hour parental controll on so i still couldnt play. I mean i could make a new account and use my 10-day free trial but thats just lame and would take effort. Plus i would feel absoloutly ashamed of myself and very guilty, which i dont want to do.

At the moment if i wasnt doing this mission i would be playing WoW now, to be alone in MY world.

Away from my dancing, cheering, loud brother who is on the PS3 with dad.

I dont feel as shit now and i would go and play PS2 in my room except ive lost one of my MEM cards with the games i like on so its a bit shit.

I would read but ive finnished all the books i have and mikeys lending me his sometime soon which im really greatfull for.

Its damn hot in here.

Thanks for reading. x

Day 3.5

I just want to cry, because im stuck in reality and i really dont want to be here, i just want to zone out and be in my world and enjoy my things and things i only like. I want to shut out everything that makes me sad or annoyed i really just want to cry, i could but if some walks in then ill have to explain it and they'll send me to wild horses. All i want to do is just shut this out and forget the things that make me feel down. I just, am fidning today so hard and its only day 2 out of 21.

I havnt spoken to anyone today really unless they have phoned me or something but thats about it.

I have loads of support from friends at the moment here are a few of the comments on my facebook:

Aleksandra wrote:
Good luck on your mission thingy! I'm guessing that game is very addictive. It was even on the news. :)

Elliot wrote:
i admire you restraint/commitment but just why? =P
on a similar note, how is the mission going?
don't give up on this!
this does show a certain message....don't give up wow for weeks you've already paid for =P

Michael wrote:
Very unlucky... As Elliot says
Good luck

Catriona wrote:
World of warcraft eh? Impressive! xx

Jasmin wrote:
calm it, ye u play way to much so calm down
its gona rule ur life otherwise, restraint is the best way,i beliebve in u and u cn make it everday,ur become strounger everyday :D

I'm backing u all the way zoe you can do it!:D

Without supportive comments i doubt ill have anything to keep me going
if you want to join this its here

Please Join and show me some support :D

Day 3

bored bored bored BORED BORED!!!!

Theres nothing to do!

My brothers watching some crap on the telly and i am just so bored you wouldnt believe.

I have a hair cut at 2pm but i still have loads of time inbetween, and like all i want to do to fill in the time gaps is play wow, ive got loads of support behind me, friends who also play WoW and stuff.

God, i know i have mail from the auction house and im looking after the guild during the day and i know that i have this responsibility/duty to keep it all functioning and helping people resolving issues.

Anyway im going to make a sandwich x

Monday, 17 November 2008

45 hours in (approx)

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at this:
Game Time Expires: 6 December 08 14:50 CET

My 504 hours end: 7
December 08 1:50 CET

>.<>.< today =" shit">

40 hours in (approx)

• Why are you taking this self-assessment?
Because it was on the wild horses website

• Do you drink or use drugs/games to enhance your life?
Yeah i suppose i do

• Does a life without alcohol or drugs/games seem like a fun life to live?
not realy

• Have you ever set a goal to stop or reduce your habit and failed to achieve it?

• Do you have a favorite drink or drug/game?

• How would it feel if someone said they were taking that drink or drug/game away?
frustrated and annoyed and wanting to play it

• What do you remember about the first time you ever drank or used/played?
Erm it was confusing and i didnt get it, but it grew to be more fun

• What is your mood when you cannot have your favorite drink or drug/game?
Bored or annoyed

• Has anyone ever told you that they are concerned by your drinking or drug/game playing?

• Do you ever have regrets about how you behaved under the influence?
errm... i blanked a lot of people, so bad i suppose

• Do you sleep well?
Not usualy

• How is your physical health?

• Does your addiction/behavior/use seem to have an affect on your ability to connect with your feelings?

• Is your efficiency in life affected by your alcohol or drug use?

• Does alcohol or drug/game use put your job or finances in jeopardy?

• Have you ever sought help for your drinking or using habits before? What was the result?

• Do you often feel hopeless?

• Have your personal or business relationships been affected by your drinking or using?
Not really? Some with friends. so yeah i suppose so.

• Do you regret spending money on alcohol or drugs/games after you have already spent it?
Not usualy

• Do you need to get ‘a little something’ in you (alcohol or drugs) before you go out?

• Does your drinking or using/gaming affect your children?
nope, my family

• If someone offered you help, would you take it?
Suppose so.

34 hours in

Ok so i was ill today, my allergic reaction came out pretty shitty.

I stayed asleep until 1.30pm so i wasn't to bothered about playing WoW. But now im ill, there's nothing on the telly and im desperate to play. Its not the fact i want to do something with my hands coz msn and facebook and stuff can sort that out, its the fact i want to lvl and like help other people.

Ok fair enough if i want to help people i should do it In real life (IRL) but i dont like to in real life because some people are so ungreatfull, and this would make me feel like its a waste of time.

Another thing is becasue my boyfriends locked my account I realy want to see if i can play with it or attempt to but then this ruins my 504 hours, which will ultimatly suck and prove that im weak, which im not.

Its shit its only been 34 hours and im already wanting to play, hopefully it should ease off soon.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

20 hours in

Ok so im not actualy wanting to play now. its kinda weird, Ive got watching independence day with my family and stuff but im having an allergic reaction, and my throat is getting tighter but not so tight im dying, but hey.

I have no entintion of playing WoW tomorrow, im at college all day and then at karate and i dont get home until about 10pm and then i do coursework and sleep.

Tuesday is going to be the hardest, my brother is at school and mum is at work usualy i wittle tuesdays on WoW and this tuesday i would have done some new quests and tryed to get my Reputation up. It kinda sucks that i cant play but i know its for my own good.

I want to thank Mikey, my awesome boyfriend whos getting me through the 504 hours :D
or i realy might be shipped of to the Wild Horses Center in Amsterdam.

"Once we have dealt with the withdrawal from the gaming (the "detox"), we begin with the treatment. We use group therapy, psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists, specialized in the treatment of gaming addiction. Our goal is to equip these addicted individuals with a new set of life tools to help them live life in the “real world” " - from Wild Horses Center


I like about 5 things in the real world.

1) my boyfriend
2) food
3) family and friends
4) computers
5) gaming

Yaffi's mission not to play World of Warcraft for 504 Hours starts today

Ok Hey everyone, welcome to my blog... Im on a mission, and i deside to blog it, Im very dyslexic so sorry if words are spelt wrong :D

Anyway mission:

Is to not play World of Warcraft for 3 weeks.

10 hours in -

Right now, there is nothing to do, i usually play WoW now. Ive done all my college work and im up to date with everything. My boyfriends disable my account for 3 weeks ive just been told :)
OK, so i just got my new mount and im desperate to show it off and help lower levels and of course lvl myself. but i cant, because i play it WAY too much, i might not be the lvl 80 neardy ginger who plays WoW and knows all the terminology, but i still play! ok, im realy trying to avoid the point i have a WoW addiction forming, and its realy lame to admit that.

a day in the life of a WOW player - by catfish182 on Digg

morning - (there is no "wake up" time)
WOW with cereal (large bowl)

noon - bathroom break
12:05 - WOW

4:00 - check Digg to see how many diggs funny comment gets
4:01:05 - post a comment about how Digg sucks now and it wasnt like it used to be even though you have only been a member for 2 months.

4:15 - realize everyone is stupid and decide to return to WOW.

evening - WOW

11:45 - food break and bathroom break.

12:00 - WOW


See im not that bad, the most ive ever spent on it was 13 hours straight with a 2 liter bottle of lucozade and a tube of texas bbq flavored pringles.

Anyway the point is im only 10 hours in and i alredy want to play, maby this 3 weeks will show me how addicted i am becasue i cant realy see it at the moment


Thanks for reading and keep reading for updates on the Mission :D